Category: Health & Care

It is important to check your cat’s health and well-being on a regular basis. In this category, we discuss a variety of health-related topics.

  • Can I Paint My Cat’s Nails? How to Paint Your Cat’s Nails

    Can I Paint My Cat’s Nails? How to Paint Your Cat’s Nails

    A few days ago, Lucinda asked me, “Can I paint my cat’s nails? Is it safe for cats?” Because she wants to make her feline nails a bit more attractive. That’s why, in the early stages, she wanted to know about those related questions. After doing additional research, I gave her some suggestions about “Is…

  • My Cat’s Nail Split and Is Bleeding (How to Treat It at Home)

    My Cat’s Nail Split and Is Bleeding (How to Treat It at Home)

    A few days ago, my friend Sophia Jindan was talking about her cat’s nail split accident. By nature, her feline is very playful. One day, while she was playing outside, her nail accidentally split and was bleeding profusely. Sophia became desperate and searched many online forums about “my cat’s nail split and is bleeding; how…

  • Home Remedy for Cat Claw Fungus (3 Easy Process)

    Home Remedy for Cat Claw Fungus (3 Easy Process)

    Onychomycosis, also known as cat claw fungus, is a fungus that afflicts cats’ claws. It happens when different fungi, like yeast or dermatophytes, infiltrate the claws and produce various symptoms.  Numerous things, such as poor hygiene, exposure to contaminated environments, a compromised immune system, or close contact with other infected animals, can lead to cat…

  • Are Air Fresheners Safe to Use Around Cats

    Are Air Fresheners Safe to Use Around Cats

    People use air fresheners in their homes, cars, offices, and even restrooms to eliminate bad scents and make the space seem refreshing. However, if you are a cat owner, you may wonder whether air fresheners are safe to use around your feline friend.  This article will help answer that question. So without wasting time, let’s…

  • What to Do if You Cut Your Cat’s Nail Too Short and It Bleeds

    What to Do if You Cut Your Cat’s Nail Too Short and It Bleeds

    It is not uncommon for pet owners to make a mistake during trimming and accidentally cut their cats’ nails too short, resulting in bleeding. A cat’s nails are very sensitive to being cut too short or too long. You may inadvertently damage the quick, which is the sensitive part of the nail that contains blood…

  • How to Restrain a Cat for Nail Clipping: Cut Aggressive Cat Nails

    How to Restrain a Cat for Nail Clipping: Cut Aggressive Cat Nails

    Cats are known for their cleanliness and grooming habits, but when it comes to nail trimming, many cats can become stressed and resistant. However, it is important that you trim your cat’s nails to maintain your animal’s health and well-being. We will go over some of the best techniques for safely and effectively restraining your…

  • Ouch! Cat Ingrown Claw Removal Treatment, Causes, and Prevention

    Ouch! Cat Ingrown Claw Removal Treatment, Causes, and Prevention

    An ingrown claw can be painful and serious for cats, requiring prompt attention. These claws occur when the sharp tip of the claw grows into the surrounding skin and tissue, causing inflammation, infection, and even lameness. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes, signs, and symptoms of ingrown claws in cats and cat…

  • Will A Cat Exercise Wheel Benefit My Indoor Cat? Are Cat Wheels Worth It?

    Will A Cat Exercise Wheel Benefit My Indoor Cat? Are Cat Wheels Worth It?

    Are you curious about providing a fun and safe way for your indoor cat to exercise? A cat exercise wheel could be the perfect solution.  As an alternative to outdoor play, these wheels allow cats to get the physical activity they need without exposing them to the health risks associated with outdoor play. Indoor activities…

  • Uncovering Solutions! What to Do If Your Pet has an Ingrown Nail

    Uncovering Solutions! What to Do If Your Pet has an Ingrown Nail

    When your pet has an ingrown nail, it can be quite a stressful experience. If the nail remains untreated, it can lead to problems such as infection and even further discomfort for your cat. Knowing what to do when faced with this issue is key to preventing further complications. The first step is to contact…